Social media is everything these days. At least, it is if you’re a business who wants to improve their online presence, anyway! Any business with a solid social media presence will always have the chance to get a leg up on the competition who don’t have it. Social media marketing is a great way to get the word out about your business, and it opens up a platform to help easily share information, topics, and posts about your company.
Even if you’re a social media newbie and this sort of marketing can seem a little daunting to you, it’s important to waste no more time and fully embrace it. It will help your business if you do.
1. Social Media is Popular
Almost every customer or potential customer, if not all, of your business, will be in touch with social media. It’s something most people have, and most people make use of. If you’re not taking advantage of that fact, then you could be losing out on potential customers for your business. Consumers love to share things on social media, especially regarding products and their feedback and experience. So give your customers the option to do so about your business. Social media is far-reaching, and you’ll want your business to stretch to that, too.
Even just having a presence on social media – an active profile, namely – will help to grow your business in the long run, and mean your account is easily accessible should you need to leap on any opportunities.
2. It’s a Cost-Friendly Option
With social media comes the choice of completely free marketing and advertising for your business. You can post as much as you want, at any time, without spending a penny. Even building a profile is free. It’s recommended that businesses pay for sponsored advertising to boost their business and posts on social media, which is always a good idea, but even then, this option won’t break the bank. Promoting your product and special offers on social media will always be low-cost.
3. Social Media Covers Any Age
With any business comes an intended demographic. Social media can help you reach yours, and more. People of any age and of any background have access to, and use, social media, meaning your posts could go even further than reaching the audience you intended. It can also reach an entirely new audience altogether. This means there’s the potential for new customers that you might not have even expected.
4. It’s an Easy Way to Communicate
Social media opens up new opportunities for dialogue between you and your consumers. In an ever-changing world becoming more reliant on technology, most customers these days would rather communicate via email, messaging, or social media posts, compared to picking up the phone and speaking to a human voice. You need to ensure that your business is giving people the option to contact you in whichever way they would like. If you only have a phone number, it could put people off.
It also enables you to open up a platform for feedback and questions, which are vital to learning as a growing business. It could be as simple as making a quick post on social media, inviting people to give feedback regarding your latest product or services, and learn from the replies. It also lets you say thank you to them in an easy and visible manner – so they don’t have to worry about waiting a long time for you to return their call, for example.
5. Social Media Never Sleeps
Sending an email might not get answered for days, phone calls might not get returned, but one thing you can rely on social media for is always being active. There will always be someone in the world online, making posts or reading posts, and the amount of times each and every day that people check their social media is a high number. It means the chances of your posts and communication getting missed is very unlikely, and there will always be someone looking at what you’re doing. This alone can really help to boost your business potential.
6. It Allows You to Share and Update Quickly
Having a functional website for your business is, of course, crucial when it comes to marketing, but updating or changing something on a website, such as adding a new product page, can sometimes be a long-winded process.
Social media gives you a platform to share new information quickly and easily, at the click of a button. It could be as simple as typing out a quick sentence or two about a new product and hitting the post button. Because it’s social media, you don’t have to think as aesthetically as you would for your website, namely, ensuring the layout and coding is correct, and it allows you to say things simply and quickly.
It also lets you quickly update any business information, such as an alternative method of contact.
7. Social Media is Fantastic for Customer Service
Excellent customer service is at the top of any business’s priority list, and social media makes it a whole lot easier. Consumers love contacting services and businesses via social media, and if you have an active query and messaging service, this will help in generating more gratification.
Not only that, but social media makes your customer service visible. If you answer a query which someone has publicly posted to you, and they are happy with their response, then other potential customers can see how well you dealt with the question, too. This will encourage them that you are a friendly business equipped at supplying excellent customer service. A private phone call does not offer the same benefits.
In Conclusion
Social media is an excellent and adaptable platform for any budding business. It’s important that you invest time into ensuring your social media presence is optimized.
To learn more about the advantages of social media and how effective it can be for you, click on the link and you will be directed to our main page for more details.
If you would like to know more about how to optimise your social media presence, contact Regal Roye today and we'll help get you started.